Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Thoughts on DearTaylerTragedy

Drum roll please....

This week's featured YouTuber (also the very first feature) is DearTaylerTragedy.

I'm sure a lot of you have heard of this particular YouTube mom, but if you haven't, count your lucky stars!

"Tragedy" is right. Yikes. How Tayler came to be such a popular YouTuber is beyond me, but I guess that's what happens when today's society worships unwed, uneducated teenage mothers (thanks 16 and Pregnant!).

Take in all of her pregnant glory. Leopard print bras and fancy toilets.
*shudder* Let's continue on, shall we?
Well, I suppose her children haven't died from starvation or some kind of poisoning, so that's something to be proud of. Other than that, I'm a little disgusted to say that there isn't much "good" I can talk about.

Somewhat disappointing.


Where to start? I have kept tabs on this highly controversial "teen mom" for several months now, having discovered her through a friend. I must say, at first I was swayed by her "woe is me" attitude and the constant hate made me pity her.

I was a borderline minion.

Then I learned the true colors of Tayler Dawn Johnson, Ohio Queen. The girl who has planned every one of her pregnancies before age 20. Has been pregnant five times in, what, four years? Doesn't have an education past the 8th grade. Admitted to smoking marijuana whilst pregnant with her son and having sex with another man, who was not the father, during the same pregnancy. Has openly poked fun at a disabled child. Claims to never have money, yet some how is able to go out and buy brand new iPhones, Apple Laptops, and hair dye. Has tried to mooch off of her loyal (if misinformed) followers by giving them some bogus story. Faked a suicide and faked being raped...

The list goes on and on.

The most recent scandal has been Tayler creating a account, tactfully begging her followers for $500. Now, the story was a little sketchy to begin with. She has gone on and on about how she's "going back to school" to get her diploma--online, of course. This bill, according to Miss Johnson, wasn't even hers, it was her mother's. In order to get her much needed diploma (because she's too good for a GED), she neeeeded that internet. Get this, even her own followers told her to sell her Apple Laptop and brand new iPhone, get cheaper devices, and pay off the bill if she was that desperate! Ha!

Of course, this didn't fly by Tayler. How dare anyone suggest that she sell her things. She shouldn't have to sell her things to pay for her internet. Why? They're her things. In Tayler Land, the logical thing to do is swindle her young and naïve followers out of their lunch money.

The most interesting thing is how her story changes twice in this message (identities are kept secret).

Vacation is more important than paying off a bill to get her diploma. Yes.
The next is Dr. Chuckles blabbing that Tayler doesn't file her taxes because she would "owe anyway". Newsflash: sometimes you have to pay back taxes. It happens. Tayler has reportedly told her followers that she makes "four figures" a month via YouTube. That, dear readers, was yet another lie. Though she still doesn't admit to how much she makes, she had posted a photo of an AdSense check to her Instagram of the amount of $666.00 (thinking it was cool that it came out to that). Someone mentioned that she could get in trouble for showing how much AdSense pays her and she quickly deleted it.
Lying about it doesn't make you look much better, Tayler.
What I fail to understand is how her followers are still followers after being used and abused by their Queen. Shouldn't they have overthrown her crown by now? 

DearTaylerTragedy has always seemed a bit trashy to me. Perhaps that's because I don't see lacy underwear photos as the appropriate thing to wear in a photo displaying your "baby bump". Her fake southern accent, her "I'm a damn good mom" attitude, and her government assisted life just screams "I try too hard and I've dug a hole so deep, I can't get out."
One would think that after two children, you would get your act together, but Tayler seems to be the exception. If she would just quit YouTube (honestly, she doesn't upload any kind of productive videos anyway), Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and dump that boyfriend of hers, she could have a fighting chance at having that happy life she so desperately craves. She creates 95% of the drama herself. Not Guru Gossiper, not the "h8rs". Of course, she pins the blame on everyone else but herself, but what else is new?
I'll be back next week! Leave your own thoughts in the comment section below. If you want to see a YouTuber on next week's feature, send in a suggestion to
Thanks for reading! ;)


  1. You're exactly right, when I hard she was pregnant with again I was shocked, then the videos went missing. She annoys me with her inconsistent secrecy, uploading videos then deleting them. I said she shouldn't be able to feel "kicking" at only 6 weeks pregnant and she blocked me because I disagreed with her.
